Finding Your Killjoy Instinct

Finding Your Killjoy Instinct

from $35.00

September 19, 2024 | 6:00-7:30pm EST
Facilitated by Sirajum Sandhi

THE WHAT: a workshop to uncover and utilize your feminist killjoy as a tool for liberatory organizing.

This space is designed as a space of embodied learning through collective reflection, inquiry, and action to (re)visit our understanding of a feminist killjoy as a tool to unearth embodied knowledge for liberatory organizing. This workshop is for comrades already engaged in social struggles against gendered, racialized, and sexualized violence. We invite you to co-create a space of self-inquiry and reflexivity with a view to collaborative action.

What is a Feminist Killjoy?
A feminist killjoy finds joy in disrupting patriarchal norms that pass as joys. If you don’t laugh at a co-worker’s misogynistic jokes, you are a killjoy. If speaking up for something that rubs you wrong feels more important than " keeping the peace, " you are a killjoy. If you understand and embody that silence is a tool to maintain an oppressive status quo, you are a killjoy.  

In this workshop, we will (re)familiarize ourselves with the philosophy of the feminist killjoy, engage in reflection exercises to identify our killjoy instincts and learn practical tools for honing our instincts and bringing the practice to our organizing work.


With ongoing genocides in the world and the historical amnesia surrounding the struggles against injustices, we are finding ourselves more and more alienated. Whether it’s the surge of disinformation or manufactured consent for atrocities paid for by our tax dollars, we have been told not to see, feel, hear, and understand our instincts to disrupt and organize for collective liberation. It is time to listen to our killjoy instincts, find one another, and stay steadfast in our struggles for a free world.


  • A Live 1 hr 30min workshop on Zoom

  • September 19

  • 6:00 - 7:30pm ET

  • AI closed captioning available


  • Learn the philosophy of killjoy feminism

  • Learn ways to identify your killjoy instinct

  • Learn how to apply your killjoy instinct to your organizing work


This workshop is for individuals already engaged in social struggles who feel alienated in spaces at home, work, social spaces, and even organizing spaces because they are not affected in the same way as those around them. They are labeled disruptive or made to feel like they are in the wrong room.


You will need a quiet enough space where you can comfortably engage in the various activities throughout the workshop, including moving your body, speaking or engaging with others, or reflection/focusing your attention inward.

Please review these two links prior to the session:


We offer our workshops on a Sliding Scale. The true cost of this workshop is $120 with sliding scale.

If your organization offers development funding to support you to attend the course, select either the Full Rate or Redistribution Rate, based on the amount of funds made available to you plus the cost that you are able to personally contribute or where you fit on the sliding scale guide linked above. Solidarity Rates are reserved for individuals paying out of pocket who meet the criteria outlined in our Sliding Scale Guide.

If you’d like a payment plan option, you can split your purchase into 4 interest-free payments, with no late fees, by choosing Paypal at checkout and then clicking Pay Later on the following page.

Sliding Scale Rate:
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Our activism/ our movements stand to benefit from white folks doing their work! We can move from practices and a culture based in white supremacy to practices and cultures that are equitable, sustainable, support each person's well-being and creativity, and where being present, grounded, responsive, and adaptable is more readily available to everyone. The science and practice of somatics has that to offer to our activism.


  • Weekly Live 1 hr 30min workshop on Zoom for 8 weeks

  • Weekly self-paced video learning content (15 to 30 minutes in length)

  • Weekly Home Practices & Peer Exercises to apply learning, requiring up to 1 hr per week

  • Optional Additional Resources & Tools every week

  • Closed captioning available