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We offer a variety of options to grow your analysis and build a deeper understanding of systems of oppression. Depending on the needs of your group, we may recommend a political education course, experiential workshop, or speaking engagement. We offer customized facilitation and workshops for private clients, public workshops, and our resource page (coming soon). 

If you are interested in contracting with us as a private client, send us a message through our contact form.


Skill Building

We offer workshops and coaching that develop facilitation, organizing, somatics, healing, and accountability skills for organizers, community members, and social justice leaders. Our offerings range from how to facilitate a dialogue, somatic & healing practices, how to develop accountable communities, practices for facilitating groups with varying power and risk dynamics, to a full training of trainers course. Skill building workshops are available publicly and for private clients.

If you are interested in booking a skill building workshop for your organization, send us a message through our contact form.



We offer 1:1 and group coaching on anti-oppression leadership and racial identity exploration. Our leadership coaching includes learning and support to align anti-oppression values and action within your sphere of influence. Racial identity coaching involves creating a personal education plan to interrogate how systems of oppression show up in you/your life and create mechanisms for accountable action. Since racial identity coaching involves exploring how internalized dominance manifests in white people and internalized oppression manifests in Black, Indigenous, People of Color, we do our best to match you with a coach who shares your racial identity.

If you are interested in working with one of our coaches,book a coaching session with us.