Chip Chang

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She, Her, Hers | Denver, CO | Facilitator

Chip Chang is an educator, writer, researcher, and facilitator. She is currently an American Studies PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota and holds an MA in Asian American Studies from UCLA. Her research and academic interests include critical and comparative ethnic studies, whiteness studies, and popular culture. Chip is an active member and advocate within the ultimate frisbee community. She is a co-founder of Pints4People, an organization aimed to engage community members in discussions around social justice, is a board member of Minnesota Ultimate and the chair of Equity and Diversity. Chip recently compiled and edited the Women’s College Ultimate Resources Manual 2nd Edition (2018), co-wrote “Equity and Diversity” in Ultimate: The First Five Decades, Vol. II (2005-2018), and has written a series of articles on equity, inclusion, and Asian American identity. Chip was awarded the 2018 Kathy Pufahl Spirit Award for her activism and advocacy in the ultimate community.