Damian Moran

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He, Him, His | Tunibamba, Ecuador | Facilitator

Damian Moran is an Indigenous Activist, Sustainable Tourism Expert, and a Spanish and Kichwa Teacher. He is currently completing his M.A. in Anthropology in the University of Seville, Spain, and lives in his community of birth. He has several years of experience teaching various levels of Spanish in Ecuador and Taiwan, and has continued teaching online. He has consulted with Grupo Salinas (Salinas, Ecuador) on incorporating mixed economic structures and has provided training and workshops on a continual basis for the Agro-artesanal Association “Shuyun Tsa’chila” (Indigenous Tsa'chila Association in Santo Domingo, Ecuador) on interculturality, indigenous cosmovision and community tourism. He has a love for organic farming, horseback riding, and social justice.