Abby Cheng

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She, Her, Hers | Manhattan, NY | Operations Associate

Abby Cheng is an anti-racist facilitator and organizer working towards relationship-centered social justice. Her work centers on interpersonal growth through radical love. She currently resides on the occupied land of the Munsee Lenape people, also known as Manhattan, NY. In 2017, she began facilitating workshops about race and gender on her college Ultimate Frisbee team (Oberlin Preying Manti) and within the Cleveland Ultimate Frisbee community. She has worked to create safe spaces for transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and female athletes. Her areas of interest and expertise include oppression in classical music and the performing arts, as well as Transformative Justice principles. After recently graduating from Oberlin College & Conservatory with a B.M. in Vocal Performance and a B.A. Mathematics, she is currently attending Bard Conservatory’s Vocal Arts Graduate Program. Abby works as a Facilitator and Operations Associate at Both/And.