Juleon Robinson

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He, Him, His | Oakland, CA | Facilitator

Juleon Robinson is an organizer and educator based in Oakland, CA. He grew up in Marietta, GA in a family with a longstanding commitment to fighting for Black self-determination. His current organizing work centers on building autonomous tenant power to resist the ongoing housing and homelessness crises in the Bay Area. Prior to moving to the East Bay, Juleon worked at a New York City-based economic justice non-profit where he supported city and state level campaigns calling for the transformation of our economic and financial systems, grounded in values of racial, environmental, and economic justice. Juleon is also an avid ultimate frisbee player, coach, and organizer.

Juleon holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Amherst College and is currently pursuing a PhD in Human Geography at the University of California, Berkeley.