Hannah Leathers Studio


She, They | Denver, CO

Hannah is a visual artist, tattooer, and arts administrator living in Denver, CO. She has a background in art education, immersive and public art, anti-oppression work, and arts administration. She is currently working full time as a tattooer and visual artist. Her visual art work explores her queer and disabled identities, and living in a health-challenged body. Her tattoo practice explores facilitating modes of archiving, processing, recording, and reclaiming for people through skin adornments.
Outside of her career, she is a learner of anti-oppression and social justice, and is committed to the lifelong work of dismantling the systems we all grew up in. She’s a dog parent to Ada and Masie, a partner of Claire, and living, struggling, and thriving with a disability.

Website: hannahleathers.com
Instagram: @hannahleathers_studio

Both/And PartnerPartner