WWARA 2020
Spring Fellowship Information
Are you a white womxn in youth development who is dedicated to dismantling white supremacy? Are you ready to move beyond siloed diversity and inclusion initiatives towards sector-wide change? The WWARA Fellowship is designed to deepen white womxn’s commitment to fight racism by learning about the ways white womxn specifically uphold white supremacy in the social service sector & facilitate the creation of a collective action plan to combat oppression in your sphere of influence.
Why Participate?
Between 80-90% of all teachers, social workers, and foundation & non profit staff nationwide are white womxn, many of whom are drawn to these professions to help yet end up reinforcing the status quo of racial hierarchy through these roles. For those committed to anti-racism, this fellowship provides an opportunity to move beyond awareness-raising trainings and current workplace diversity and inclusion efforts towards more concrete action against racism and white supremacy in their daily work and lives. Through the WWARA fellowship, white womxn will build capacity to connect institutional racism to their personal behaviors, shape strategic plans and hiring practices through an anti-racist lens, build connections to other organizations, and become an internal resource for staff learning and development on the role of white womxn in upholding white supremacy. By connecting with others from across the sector and working collectively, white womxn can be part of an engine of change in Baltimore’s philanthropic landscape. Fellows will: Learn to notice and name white womxn’s racism within themselves and their organization. Build capacity to shape organizational culture and practice with an anti-racist lens and become an internal resource for future staff learning and development. Form a coalition with white womxn in other organizations committed to anti-racism in order to have an impact across the sector.
Who should apply?
White womxn in philanthropy, youth development, education, social work, and public health who have already been exposed to learning about whiteness and structural racism (for example through Baltimore Racial Justice Action, People’s Institute of Survival and Beyond, Showing Up for Racial Justice). Those who are supported by their organization to participate in this fellowship.
Time Commitment
February 26, 9am-5pm
March 11, 9am-5pm
March 25, 9am-3pm
April 15, 4pm-8pm (final presentation)
There will be 1 virtual session (60 min each) in between each in person session & 2 check ins with a learning partner (30 minutes each). Each cohort member will receive coaching from a member of the WWARA People of Color Accountability Council (3 hours total). The total time commitment is approximately 30 hours over the course of the fellowship, including assigned pre-session work.
Please visit our organizational sliding scale.
How to Apply
Please fill out this interest form. Interested parties will be contacted on a rolling basis for a 20-30 minute conversation. Acceptance will be rolling and will take diversity of organization type & roles into account. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Zara Cadoux at zara@bothand.org.